the laid.back Buddhist has MOVED...back!

Monday, September 3

The (Blogger) World Is Not Enough

No expectations. No limits.

Everything (and everyone for that matter) has the potential to become anything. Having seen this proved to me over and over again, I'll even be so bold as to say I'm starting to expect the unexpected. Doesn't the irony of life just slay you sometimes?

It certainly did just that to me.

I'll be honest here, I originally started blogging simply to vent personal woes. And in many ways that hasn’t changed at all. Yet, the whole feel and direction of "The Laidback Buddhist: Makes Her Way Step By Step" has flipped 360° from it's former and admittedly very emo-like title of "Play The Fool: Every Blue Moon."

…I’d like to think that it somehow reflects new direction for me.

Of change that’s taking me beyond anything I ever imagined. I believe that to truly have no expectations, no pre-judgments should be present either. It's all about approaching every opportunity with an open mind.

A professor of mine once said, “We explore when there are no answers.”

I immediately fell in love with her for that one sentence alone (well, besides the fact that she had an excellent taste in clothes). We explore because one answer just doesn’t cut it sometimes. She touched upon why it’s such an exhilarating feeling to learn how to do something new...and to do it well. It’s addictive. How can boredom exist when there’s always something waiting on the horizon to be discovered?

Life knows no bounds.

I always knew that. What I didn’t know was that blogging knows no bounds as well.


Ah, that which I dub the MySpace for Bloggers.


I holler over to the next room, “I see you, Miki! You’re not doing work!”

“Wait, how do you see me?”

“My widget just showed that Mikkers visited." I laugh slyly, "You’re on MyBlogLog which means you're not doing work!” understand, of course, that the very fact I knew this meant I wasn’t doing my work either.

You're E V E R Y W H E R E! I find "new" blogs here, and who's already a member? You! I read different blogs I find, and who's in the comments? You again! I guess you do have an addiction, don't you?

EXHIBIT B: Blog Catalog

I finally started showing Blog Catalog a lil' love last week, and it reciprocated tenfold. Partly because there's no limit on the number of friends and communities you can add per day (MyBlogLog maxes out at 15 per day) yours truly promptly became akin to something like a crazed social butterfly who just discovered how to use her wings.

Top 5 Favorite Features:

  1. Meeting really awesome blogger-friends
  2. Categorization and subcategorization of blogs
  3. Shout-to-shout feature for the message box
  4. Management of which notifications get sent to your email
  5. Peer-review/ranking of blogs

EXHIBIT C: Technorati

My ever-diligent dueling partner Dan ought to get an extra point for calling this one.

In this post just six days ago, he noted that I had a Technorati rating of 11 and half-jokingly wrote that he'd try to increase the rating to 15 by the weekend (to garner an extra point in our unofficial duel). Well, the weekend came and went, and I woke up Monday morning to see that that my Technorati authority had jumped to 24 and had 61 blog reactions*!!

Now, do I get a point for exceeding expectations? I mean, this counts as evidence for the theory that sparring improves one's blog, yes?

EXHIBIT D: Importing to Wordpress

Don’t get me wrong. I think Blogger is awesome, and especially user-friendly for beginners experimenting with customization.

But it’s not enough anymore!

Who would've thought this would happen? Certainly not me.

I keep thinking I must have a malfunctioning version of feedburner or something. As my feed count climbs faster than a monkey these days.

And to think I was a tad skeptical when Dan warned me that my blog was growing fast.

So now, I'm in the midst of contemplating a big move over to a self-hosted wordpress account. Today, I imported the bulk of my Blogger posts/comments over to Wordpress and decided that I really like Bluehost for web-hosting (but am open to other suggestions?).

No expectations, no limits.

Right, except I've been educated in the 7 Ways Blogging Is Like Marriage and I think I may be afflicted with a case of pre-wedding jitters...

7 Reasons for Getting My Own Domain:

  1. I like the freedom you get from using a self-hosted Wordpress blog
  2. ...Wordpress is so very pretty
  3. If I continue to blog (which I certainly plan on doing)
  4. It's better to make a move now than later for the sake of my BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog communities, Technorati ranking, readers and feed subscribers, and future traffic/linkage.
  5. I am a strong believer in the power of BAA!
  6. I'm building a community
  7. Because Dan will probably give me another one...

Final Verdict?

Blogging has exploded into my life.

It looks like it’s here to stay.

And, I totally owned Dan in link love with this single post. Yarr, score for the Pirate King's daughter!
*EDIT: Apparently, by the time I finished writing/proof-reading this post and was just about to publish Technorati authority suddenly became 25, with 63 blog reactions. I can't freakin' keep up! Love it.

24 Musing(s):

Anonymous said...

You hit 16 in Technorati on August 30th. I already claimed my point. ;-)

Yes, you did own me with link love on this post. But, I've been owning you over the weekend with unrequited link love over several posts. So, it's a draw, really.

Heck, I even offered you an opportunity to score an extra point...

Anonymous said...

Okay, I guess I didn't link to you this weekend as often as it seemed like I thought I did, so I'll have to give you the point there. :-(

Anonymous said...

I guess I should use Blog Catalog as well! Congratulations on making the move to self-hosted wordpress acc!

me said...

44 readers by feedburner? holy cow, jo! ;)

mikkers said...

wow, I am so overwhelmed with how much you have accomplished!! And envious! I think my technorati authority is a 3...and I don't think it'll ever climb very high :).

So how much does it cost to be self hosted? And how did you import everything on to wordpress? Is there an option to do that? Wow...a self-hosted blog is so...professional!

Suzie said...

i too have been considering a wordpress blog.... blog is ok but i think i'm outgrowing it?

buddha said:

you will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by it.

Unknown said...

Ah, that's something I should frame and put on the wall. "No expectations. No limits." Best thing I've heard in a long time. Reminds me of this Bruce Lee quote:
“Using no way as a way, using no limitations as a limitation.”

I think that makes us work more with our heart and will, which is the only way to be truly great and make a difference. Goals shouldn't exist for the purpose of being achieved, they should be aimed for until the day we excel beyond them. As Mr. Lee said, there are no limitations, only plateaus. You hear that, mikkers? ;)

Great to hear your blogging is going well, and I'm looking forward to a WordPress migration. I recommend MediaTemple as hosting provider, I use them myself and they're by far the best though it's a bit slow with my 7000 visitors a month but a small upgrade can solve that. Their services are scalable. :)

Great Technorati authority too for a young blog. My own is just a month old so I know it's a tough job getting it started. But it's also very fun, of course.

Anonymous said...

I'm still working on how to post a picture so I'm a bit behind in the times. I do know that switching from blogger to wordpress was fantastic for me though. I hear so much about technorati, I think I need to look into it more. Congrats on all the sucess!

Rolando said...

Awesome and funny post Joanne! I made a similar comparison not too long ago.

I got a little frustrated with MyBlogLog too with their 15 day limit. I would hit that limit in about 5-6 mins just clicking madly at avatars and communities, hahaha

I definitely like the features of BlogCatalog and have meet more personable bloggers there.

As far as switching to your own self hosted Wordpress site, I'd say do it! I've had the other type of blog services before and Wordpress rules!

FYI - they are coming up with an upgrade on Sept 23. so if you're using version 2.2.2, you might want to hold off for the new version.


Katherine said...

Jo, I love you, but sometimes I're so blog-consumed that I often don't know what you're talking about. You do, however, make me feel inferior in the scope of my blogging...I still can't figure out the counter thing. Like at all. They kept using blogger/internet/computer words I didn't understand when they were instructing me! I need a translator, i.e. you.

Unknown said...

I say migrate to your own domain as soon as possible as it's the best option for optimizing search engine results. And WordPress is easily upgraded. Just let me know if you need any help, though I doubt it.

I'd let you try out or even permanently use my hosting if it weren't so loaded already. *feels poor and selfish* :(

Have a nice day, all of you!

Anonymous said...

I can't honestly say I've ever paid attention to technorati or rankings at all, it seems to be a rather new thing and most of my readers are not into it. That having been said moving to a self hosted WordPress was the best thing I ever did.

It's funny because a couple years ago blog catalog was just a everyone listed their blogs. I never even looked at it until a couple months ago when I saw pictures on someone's web site. I never used My Blog log either although I signed up last fall. Then I read somewhere to "work it" so I did end up going there and found some really good blogs. I am partial to my blog log as I am not really much into promotion of my blog.
I was pretty much satisfied with my readers and my traffic as I don't have time to really read a lot of blogs but I was happy to have found a lot of new blogs this spring when I started scrolling around.

The world is your stage.

Good luck with the move. I use siteground and have no down time in a year and a half. I think these days most of them main hosts are pretty decent.

Anonymous said...

If I have yet to sign up for your feed I'll do it now. and I'll check technorati to see if i have you there or not. If I can remember my password.

JR's Thumbprints said...

You've approached this like a true scientist. You've definitely done your homework.

Joanne said...

Dan: You should also get major pointage (is that even a word?) for planting the idea that I should get my own domain.

David: Blog Catalog is useful for additional networking. I think you'll find a lot of people who have MyBlogLog tend to also have BlogCatalog accounts as well.

Vy: I know right, I ought to request I new photoshoot from you ;) =P

Miki: It's equivalent to 1-2 shopping splurges. It's SO easy to import to wordpress, you push a button (literally called "the magic button"). It automatically imports comments as well. And, don't be discouraged at's only your first week, right? I think that's very good!

Suzie: Nice quote by Buddha. Wordpress is definitely worth consideration if you want to expand or try new things. And being self-hosted allows you that freedom to experiment. I say go for it! =)

Daniel: Wow, MT professional. Very sleek style, I like. Though, I think I'm going to stick with webhosting that's tailored to accommodate Wordpress...I need the initial aid to help learn what it means to self-host. No way, only a month old? You're doing a great job! And, I agree. If the decision is made, it should be executed as soon as possible.

Brandy: Haha! Well, I found technorati the most useful in keeping track of when blogs link back to mine. I want to be able to reciprocrate and say thanks.

Rolando: Exactly what would happen to me!!! And, you know, I've noticed that about BlogCatalog as well...more personable bloggers. Maybe it has something to do with the unlimited adds, people make more of an effort to make a connection? Hm, Sept. 23? I don't think I can wait that long...I'm hoping for a move this week or next, latest.

Kath: LOLs, let's do a night to fix that. Let's also have those chocolate milkshakes and frozen raspberries thing again, yes?

Cooper: Haha, thanks...and it's good to hear another good thing about self-hosting wordpress. I like Technorati to keep track of links to my blog, hope you remember the password! ;) I've calmed down from MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog's more important for me to keep writing quality posts than garnering heavy traffic.

JR: Thanks! And yet, there's still so much left to learn!!!

Anonymous said...

FWIW, WordPress upgrades aren't that difficult, based on my comprehensive experience of performing one upgrade. ;-) But, if you do a backup first, you shouldn't have any problems with the upgrade. And, if you do, well, that's why you did the backup!

Anonymous said...

I shall watch your migration with interest! I love Wordpress and I use Bluehost too. :-)

jon said...

Yay! I'm glad you're going self-hosted WP! I enjoy reading you and I can't wait to see what kind of crazy sections you create!! :)

Joanne said...

Dan: That's what I figured, too. =)

Polli: Haha, yeah I'm hoping the migration will be more of ONE big until I'm ready to let the wordpress one make it's debut, I'll keep posting with Blogger.

Jon: You have such depth of'd you know about the crazy sections I've been planning???!!! *sigh* Nothing escapes you.

Erina Hart said...

I’m glad you have gone through all of this analyzing. Now, you will be truly happy when you make the move.

And, I’ll be right behind you. I already own the domain. I just need to move it :)

I don’t like Bluehost. I like GoDaddy has taken care of me through three major websites (and soon one blog).

How difficult is it to design your blog layout in Wordpress?

Fruity said...

You are doing great! I just hope I won't have to move, just like you. I hate moving! Blogging is way too additive and it's taking a toll on me. I need a break.. oops, I'm still typing, am i? Cheers from Fruity

Joanne said...

Erina: Hm, I've never really tried before, so wouldn't know....I suppose once I make the move, there'll be plenty of time to discover and experiment.

Fruity: Haha! You're too cute. Agreed, moving is cumbersome...but I figured it be better to move now than even later, you know?

The Chick said...

I love your blog, Jo! I'm thrilled I found you!

Joanne said...

TheChick: Thank you. Haha, and every time I see your avatar it makes me smile...I've probably already told you this, but just have to say it again...that animation is WAY TOO CUTE!!

Winston Churchill