Because Life's Not Bad...
...or at least, generally not as bad as we often think it is.
"Baby was up all night again crying. I'm not 100% sure but I have a feeling she was up crying out of embarrassment over how badly her mom is getting her ass kicked in the polls." - Mrs. FuriousI read that on the Weblog sidebar and could NOT STOP LAUGHING!!!
After checking out her category to see how the sassy Ms. Furious was really faring, I realized that my 200-some votes behind is actually quite marginal in comparison to her 1,000-plus-some votes needed to surpass the leading contestant.
Thanks for voting, showing such continual support AND for using this as an opportunity to mess around with my mind...
YC:Oh shucks what if I clicked the wrong button??
JK:Hm, if you clicked the wrong button I don't think there's anything to be done...I guess you'll just have to make sure you click the right one for the next 24 hr period? LOLs!
YC:LOL! I was just kiddin', Joanne :)
I’m so freakin’ gullible...and the Internet seems to compound such gullibility.
And just now starting to realize that this whole Weblog Awards thing...?
It's kind of a big deal.
8 Musing(s):
Yeah~ voted... Joanne, I find your blog is very complex and the grammar is too deep for me. My English is poor :(
However, I will try to read all the post and comment :)
Hey, now I only know you also like "The Butterfly Effect" , me too :P
I will vote as much as I can :) wish you all the best!
Kai Loon: Thanks for the vote and the well-wishes!!! I think you're English is doing just fine...I've always enjoyed reading your posts! =)
Congratulations on the nomination! It is a big deal and you should be proud! How does one get nominated anyway?
Talina: Thanks! Well, nominations are done by peers during early to mid-October. And during this nomination period, people can add votes to the nomination to give it some weight to be taken into consideration by the panel in deciding which nominees to select as finalists. The 10 finalists chosen for each category are announced on Nov. 1st and then the frenzy of voting to first place begins, hahaha! They do it every year and with each year they of course get more and more nominations (and expand categories). Hope that helped to clear some things up!
you are in the 3rd place now :)
Voted! You're doing so well!
Kai Loon: Haha, yup...we seem to enjoy each other's company a little too much though! ;)
Lisa: Thank you for the vote AND for the encouragement! =)
I thought you did a hell of a job. You made the finals and ended up third among some tough competition.
Not winning sucks of course, but that is the downside of competition. The important thing is you gave it your all and tried your best.
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